The Latin American Integration Association (LAIA), also known as the Latin American Agreement or the Treaty of Montevideo, is an intergovernmental organization that promotes economic and social development among Latin American countries.
The LAIA was established in 1960 by the Treaty of Montevideo, signed by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. The main goal of the LAIA was to create a common market among its member countries, aiming to promote regional integration and economic cooperation.
Over the years, the LAIA has evolved and expanded its scope to include a wide range of initiatives and programs. These include the promotion of trade, investment, and technological cooperation, as well as initiatives to improve infrastructure and human development.
One of the most significant achievements of the LAIA was the creation of the Latin American Integration Fund (FLAI), which provides financial support to projects that promote regional integration and development. The FLAI has financed a wide range of projects, from highway construction to environmental conservation programs.
Today, the LAIA has 12 member countries, including not only the original signatories of the Treaty of Montevideo but also Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, and Venezuela. The organization has played an important role in promoting economic and social development in Latin America, and continues to work towards its goal of greater regional integration and cooperation.
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